About 3yrs ago, this person had called me twice and i didn't pick the call because i was admitted in hospital. She saw me Facebook doing my usual on that day, so she could not fathom it when i told her i didn't pick her calls because i was on admission. Oh well, Why do think my name is Puzzle?
I wrote about my struggle with Acid Reflux here a while back with so many "i have it too" responses. Exactly why i'am doing this post. before i proceed, i'll like to take a minute to elucidate on the meaning of Acid Reflux for the purpose of understanding.
Acid Reflus is when the acid in your stomach backs up into your esophagus and causes a burning sensation in your stomach, popularly referred to as "heartburn". A prolong recurring Acid Reflux can lead to Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease called GERD which is chronic and if not detected and treated can lead to Barrett's Esophagus which can lead to cancer! Yeah. you read it right! So, each time i said i have Acid Reflux, nay! i actually meant i have GERD which is chronic.
Right from my university days, i suffered from heartburn and i usually took over the counter soothing medicine and never saw the need to see a doctor because it was something very common amongst friends and who da hell goes to the hospital for ordinary heartburn in Nigeria where 'people wen get better sickness never go hospital'? Mtchew!
At some point in my life, i had forgotten about the heartburn because bigger issues took preeminence until about 5 yrs, that i started having frequent episodes of Acid Reflux that was different from the regular heartburn i was used to in Nigeria. i could only describe it like a one minute acid explosion in my stomach that spreads upwards into my throat. This time, it doesn't need anything to trigger it, it happens once in a while. i could be sleeping, walking, sitting or driving. it just happens whenever!
Since 5 yrs ago, i have been on medication and been on hospital admission three times because
I must confess that i wasn't taking my medicine religiously and the reflux kept getting intense until last year that i accepted to go for the the endoscopy procedure i had previously flouted. i was scared of endoscopy because they have to sedate me with propofol et al and insert a tubal camera from my mouth into my stomach to take pictures. I hope you people remember it was Propofol overdoze that killed Micheal Jackson? Hmmm! who wants to die?.
Oh well, i finally went for endoscopy in december, biopsied and guess what! To God be the glory the result is PRECANCEROUS!!!!!! Meaning it has almost reached cancer, but it is not yet cancer!
I thank God because life may not be the party that we hoped and prayed for, but while we are here, we must dance. I thank god because i almost fell, but God caught me because the only difference between me and that person who died from Esophageal Cancer is time of diagnosis. early detection saves life. It is always treatable when detected early.
The same me who was afraid of endoscopy for 5yrs, have done two endoscopy in three months. Do not wait until it is too late to take your health seriously.
people do not just fall down and die. a lot of symptoms were ignored. Let us all be proactive about our health. HEALTH IS WEALTH!
Thank you for sharing
Thanks for sharing this with us. It's an eye opening episode for me. I know that almost everyone gets a heartburn, but what you just described can be pictured as scary.
Thank goodness, you did not sweep it under the carpet this time around. I hate to go to the hospital, but now I think I will be more proactive.
I sent you healing vibes. Get well soon, dear.