The world is getting more complicated and truth is now in short supply as everyone now uses his her situation as standard for everybody. Be that as it may, It can never be overemphasized that the way you carry yourself and the people you suround yourself with, determine how you are received or perceived by others.
As yo make daily effort to better and empower yourself, remember you are only in competition with your former self, but it is paramount to let go of anyone who who belittles you or doesn't see your worth. It all starts from you knowing who you are and knowing who and what you are worth. Never settle for less than you deserve.
Always remember your attitude, body language, aura, confidence and integrity go a long way. So, take them with you where you go. Smart people can see the attributes from afar off.
Watch the video below and be inspired..
Yes o! The people that we let into our lives matter a lot. I've known this since I was a teenager! I am very stingy with my life. I'm very selective of who I let into my life.
So true, polish yourself and be with the right people
Waoooh !!