Many a time, i have read or heard different people tell me what life is all about, who i should be and how i should live. All of which made life so complicated and regimented because the moment i am trying to be this, another tells me; no, it's not that way, do it this way. Not until i stumbled unto this analogy that captures the totality of my essence and it goes thus:
"Chess is a reflection of life. As clichéd as it sounds, it's probably true. The first thing it teaches you is that every move has a consequence whether you perceive that it does or does not, nothing you do, not a single moment is empty of living. So, think of things though, not always or often enough, should your life not feel as black and white as uniform as the squares on a chess board. Sometime, in order to move forward, you might need to take a few steps back. There's no loss in doing something that hurts on the on the short run, but proves worthwhile in time.
As an adult, you must realize there's nothing of more value than the capacity for diligence, and the ability to work hard. If you can outwork your adversities, you can ensure your own success in whatever it is you choose to do. Whatever you're doing, do it once and do it one more time, even more carefully. Practice will make everything seem more easier. Be diligent, be thorough. Take up every job you do as the first one. So, you have to do it right or you won't be able to impress everyone. And at the same time, do it as your job as you will not get a chance to do it again again ever. Don't just work, outwork yourself.
The most important lesson of life is that creativity is a process of the soul. It does not need an outcome or a product for the world to accept. It needs only the truth of it's own expression, it comes from within and makes of your world whatever you wish it to make. So, don't be afraid of your own creativity. Honor it!
Have a little bit of humor. Without a sense of humor, the world will always be a dull and wary place. No darkness or despair should ever be beyond a good and a hearty laugh. It makes you braver to face ugliness because it changes your perspective.
A Singularly and the most exclusive gift you and i have been given is the gift of life itself. There's nothing that makes a man or a woman more out from the ordinary more perfectly than grace. Grace is the consciousness that life is bigger than we are. Therefore, the gratitude for it must match it's vastness. It is the understanding that everyone we encounter, whether they're loving towards or offensively abrasive is a human like we are. It is knowing that experiences shape human beings that no matter how good we are at something or successful we may become, we are never better than the other person.
If you can live your life grace, towards those around you, feel free. The freedom to be yourself and never let anyone tell you are, or who you ought to be. These are the only years of your life in which you will be allowed to make regret - free mistakes. As you do so, you will chance upon your dreams and hopefully make a happy life out of the fulfilment. You will know that the bulk of your regret are from not having done what you wished to do.
Go forth, be free, have fun, make wrong choices, make mistakes, you will still succeed and when you succeed, don't forget to thank your least favorite teacher because he or she actually cared for you the most"~~~ Shah Rukh Khan
I found this very inspiring and thought to share...

Self realization comes with age, but, family values, society and religion often get in our way and this messes up a lot of people's consciousness which hinders their ability to think for themselves live free. The exact reason why those who have embraced their consciousness must keep educating others. Unfortunately, many are not ready to learn, unlearn and relearn because of years of indoctrination.
Very inspirational, my thoughts this morning during my quiet time, there is that feeling of empowerment that comes with self realization. Am of the opinion that we be mindful of who we take directions from because most people are directionless