Due to the social constructs of religion and society, many people are living in denial or in complete oblivion of their true sexual identity. This is one reason many see it as an aberration to accept the few who know and can ascertain their sexual identity. Despite how weird other people's sexual orientation may come across to us since we can't fathom their feelings, we must be tolerant of what they feel because we do not live in their heads.
It took me a long time for me to figure out my sexual identity. But after many years of research and having discussions with people, i discovered i am not alone in my sexual identity. For this reason i will be writing on different types of sexual identities many may not be familiar with and maybe some will get to know their true sexual identity.
In 1976, the French Philosopher Micheal Foucault made the meticulously researched case that sexuality is a form of social construct used as a form of control. He opined that beside the societal constructing of sexuality alongside the traditional orientations of heterosexual, homosexual,and bisexual, there is now a proliferation of other sexual identities and i agree with him.
There is a myriad of sexual identities as follows:
HETEROSEXUAL- This is when a person is attracted to people of the opposite sex
HOMOSEXUAL- This is when a person is attracted to people of one's own sex
BISEXUAL- This is when a person is not exclusively attracted to people of one particular gender; one is attracted to both men ans women.
PANSEXUAL- This is when a person is not limited in sexual choice with regards to biological sex, gender, or gender identity.
AUTOSEXUAL- This is when someone prefers masturbation to sexual activity with others.
OBJECTUMSEXUAL- This is when someone is attracted to inanimate objects than people.
ANDROGYNOSEXUAL- This is when someone is attracted to both men and women with an androgynous appearance.
ASEXUAL- This is when a person is without sexual feelings or association. Asexual individual may still experience attraction, but it doesn't need to be realized in a sexual manner.
SAPIOSEXUAL- This is when a person finds intelligence and the human mind to be the most sexually attractive feature for a potential relationship.
DEMISEXUAL- This is when a person doesn't experience sexual attraction unless they form a strong emotional connection or affection with someone. They are known as "Graysexual"
GENDER FLUID- This is when a person doesn't identify as any gender, so the person's sexuality shifts between masculine feeling and feminine feeling.
There are some more that will be confusing unless you already know beyond the male and female gender. There are many more gender identities which i may write on later that will help you understand other sexual identities.
Having known the different types of sexual identities, i am a full blown demi/sapio/sexual, which is a combination of demisexual and sapiosexual. I am categorically "graysexual". i am never sexually aroused by anyone or anything. not your height, look, size or wallet. I could do well as an asexual person (no sexual feeling) if there's no intelligence or strong emotional connection. Relationship means nothing to me except i meet that person i am emotionally connected to with . There are just a few of that person for me in the world. For a demisexual, there's no in-between, it's either you like the person or you don't. People irritate you, so no need to go on meaningless dates because you don't learn to love a person. it's all about soul connection. Being demi/sapio/sexual has it's disadvantage because you may end up being emotionally connected with the wrong person. like they say, the heart is not so smart. always going where it should not go! Remember?
Knowing your true sexual identity makes your sexual life so easy because you won't need to be in too many relationships trying your luck because you trust your feelings. You won't need to be with a girl, knowing you only have feeling a man. Do not let society and religion destroy your life. Stop living a lie. Be free to be heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or any type of sexual. it is your life. live it! You only have one life to live, you might as well live it truly and freely.
As a society, we have to be more tolerant and accepting of individual differences and allow one another the liberty of staying true to our feelings. Today we have many husbands who are down low because they have to live under the false pretense of being heterosexual by marrying women to satisfy their religion or society whilst their their wives live in misery. So are some women too. Know who you're and stay true to your feelings. It's time we end the hypocrisy and deceit. Be you!
Do you know your true sexual identity? "MAN... KNOW THYSELF" ~~~ ARISTOTLE
Hmm interesting :-) never really gave it that deep a thought but now that you have so painstakingly defined them all, i can safely and categorically say that i am a full blown hetero/demi sexual. Always have actually :-) I have to have a strong emotional connection or attraction for a guy before i even kiss him, let alone let him touch me, and the feeling has to be mutual, i don't do one sided things...lol
Nice write up, thanks.
Most times, as stated in the write up, not very many of us have been able to trace and identify our sexual path, which therefore; is a systemic problem that sink most people relationship.
I consider myself a Hetero, but I am more of a demi. As much as I love to have sex/love making, it must be done with the right person and there must be a strong connections.
I think I need help, serios help for that matter. I hate penetration cos it pains and i dont enjoy it at all. But i enjoy it when his dick is soft and i ride on him. I do not enjoy dick when it's hard and inside of me. I masturbated in the past and still do once in a while (once a week). I don't put any object into my vagina. I just climb on a pillow and fuck it.
I don't like this at all. My greatest fear of marriage is how to satisfy my husband sexually. Pls what do i do as I'm planning to settle down this year unfailingly. Thank you
Please guys, let's make this an interactive blog. We all experience these issues, commenting our thought will help others understand they are not alone. know that i see your comments, i can't reply to you directly. i am still working on that. If you need an answer, please email me. Let us do our part to make the world a better and easy place for all of us. Thank you all always! We are all in this together. This is a no judgement zone. feel free to express yourself okay!