Prejudice is a preconceived or biased opinion that is not based on actual experience. There are three components of prejudice as follows: Beliefs or stereotypes- This is a generalized (usually inaccurate) belief about a group or people. Emotions- These are negative feelings like hostility, envy, fear. Actions- This is discrimination or unjustifiable negative behavior towards people.
Some of the well known types of prejudices are: Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Nationalism, Religious prejudice, Xenophobia, Classism, Ageism.
RACISM- This is the belief that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance and can be divided based on the superiority of one race or another.
SEXISM- This is the prejudice or discrimination based on a person's sex or gender. Sexism can affect anyone, but it primarily affects woman and girls.
HOMOPHOBIA- This encompasses a range of negative attitudes and feelings towards homosexuals or people who are identified or perceived as being lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
Nationalism- This is a way of thinking that says some group of humans such as ethnic groups, should be free to rule themselves.
RELIGIOUS PREJUDICE- This means negative attitudes or behavior between people of different religious groups because of their differing religious beliefs, practices and leadership structure.
XENOPHOBIA- This is dislike of, or prejudice against people from other countries.
CLASSISM- This is of a person who believes him/herself is superior to poor or disadvantaged people. There are institutional and cultural classism.
AGEISM- This refers to stereotypes of and discrimination against people based on a single trait: Their older age. this is the myth or outright disdain for old people. Such as advertisements of anti-aging products or dislike or avoidance of contact with old people.
The above definitions of different prejudices are are simply put because they are not the focus of this writing. It will be pertinent to read them up on your own for better understanding. For the purpose of this write up, i will like to enumerate on everyday prejudices we exhibit towards one another without even knowing it. Knowledge is power. We must willing to learn, unlearn and relearn to evolve from stage to another as we grow older. So, i'll to elucidate on paternalistic prejudice, contemptuous prejudice and envious prejudice.
PATERNALISTIC PREJUDICE- Reflects a desire to domesticate and exploit a low status group: This paternalistic stereotypes about competence serves as explanations that legitimate the status difference favoring the dominate group. This type of prejudice is that makes one admire you, but sees you as incompetent thereby subjecting you while they are actually gaining from you. This is prejudice that exist between pastors and church members, employees and employers, madams and maids. It pretty much makes you take advantage of people who less privilege or under you and act like you are helping them In the real sense,
CONTEMPTUOUS PREJUDICE- This is the bias Republicans against the Democratic policies by believing the democrats have a spending problem. they believe in small government where power reside within 1% rich. this why they would rather cut taxes for the rich than support food stamps for the poor, they see welfare as waste of funds. this prejudice is the reason many middle class immigrants are supporting Trump because they don't see why their taxes should be taking care of poor people. They don't have any knowledge of "the cliff effect" and how it affect poor people. This is the prejudice that insecure people have against confident people.. The contemptuous prejudice literally makes one feel contempt about the advantage of others. In a social media context, it is contemptuous prejudice that make people refuse to like anything you do even though they actually admire you. This is the contempt the independent women feel for the slay queens or housewives because you can't imagine working so hard for a living and some have men to take care of them.
ENVIOUS PREJUDICE- This is the form of ambivalence likely to characterize attitudes towards groups that are socioeconomically successful. This is the prejudice that the less privilege feel towards rich people. it is literally the prejudice of envy and inequality. This is the type of prejudice that makes many poor people believe every most people are criminals when in the real sense, they have idea what type of jobs they do and won't care to ask.
In conclusion, everyone of us is prejudiced against others in some ways. So we all must strive to play our part to ensure a non judgmental society where peace and love reign. Let us stop pointing fingers at others. We must stop being good judges about others and good lawyers about ourselves. Let us stop judging racist people while we are being sexist, nationalist, homophobic, xenophobic or bigoted. We all must play our parts in the change that we seek.
If you want to change the world, start from your family as charity begins at home. It takes a village. The only way to grow is to acknowledge, love, celebrate and promote one another, not by being prejudiced. Always let love win.
Thank you all for reading and commenting. pls love and share so others can read too. It takes a village!
Prejudice is a tough one to tackle, because no matter how good, honest and upstanding you are, there will always be someone prepared to bring you down one way or another either with their words or actions. Sometimes we might not even realize that we are being prejudiced in certain situations, myself included :-) It will certainly take divine Grace and intervention to get the world to conform. But yeah each individual needs to be the change they wish to see.