A video surfaced on the internet in which a young lady was given a young guy who appeared to be her boyfriend lap dance and they both looked together, but to the amazement of viewers, same lady was seen murdered in a pool of blood as seen in another video, but the details are yet unknown. Please advise your young girls to mind the company they keep. Even your young sons shouldn't be left out in the caution. We are in perilous times. The days are evil... Let us all be wary of the companies we keep. May God help us!
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...to think that this immoral act was probably the last thing she did before dying...
I believe everything is about the company one keeps. This has been my conviction since I was a teenager and I'm not going back on it! Women or men, company is everything!
Hmm am speechless. It all boils down to the company some of these girls keep. The person filming it and talking sounds like he is not surprised at what is in front of him. Sad :-(
This is Terrible.